It is a quick and inexpensive flight from Eindhoven to London, making it a great idea for future visitors! After my business trip in Germany, I had another day or two in Leicester, UK which is near Birmingham. An hour or so on the train (with free internet access so you can work the whole way) and you are in London! Jeff met me the following weekend and we stayed at a lovely boutique hotel in the Notting Hill area.
Fish "Eye" View |
I am sure many Americans compare London and Paris regarding vacation destinations. London is easy, like visiting a country where people are friendly and generally speak your language. Paris is difficult, where you are a foreigner even if you are French, but not Parisian. (Paris is our next stop, so more on this subject).
No, the skyline isn't as beautiful, the food isn't close to delicious and the weather is a bit dismal. BUT, London is an amazingly nice and easy place to visit. A case in point, when I first arrived by train and was making three transfers through the tubes up or down very steep steps, 2 of the 3 times an English gentleman offered to take my bag for me! Even more amazing...they returned it! I hadn't even made eye contact! These men are just genuinely gentleman - Americans, on the whole, could learn a few things...
So, since I habitually post chronologically, here is the scoop. I arrived early, found our great hotel and started working. Jeff arrived on Friday morning and after a few kisses, made his way to Tottenham Court Road while I worked. This location had been recommended by a co-worker in Leicester and fellow guitar player. Jeff ate it up.
Ian had recommended Tottenham Court over Abbey Road and Jeff really appreciated the advice. In his next life, I guess he will be a rock star?
Jeff and I have separately been to London many times, but this was our first time together. We managed to satisfy both of our Wish Lists. I wanted to see the London Eye, since it didn't exist last time I was there.
Still, the Eye is amazing from a structural perspective. The Dutch had a hand in this as well - crafty guys! The egg-like contraptions that transport you around the Ferris Wheel circle are designed to stay parallel with the surface of the ground. So, their connection to the main wheel allows them to rotate around the arm of the wheel. This allows all the passengers to (thankfully) stay right-side-up during their ride! Yes, I know that regular old Ferris Wheels do the same thing, but in quite a different way!
I have all sorts of interesting perspectives on this below. If you have any Structural Engineering questions, please contact Jay Clark, because I am at the end of my enlightenment here...but some cool pictures....As you can see, it is built like a bicycle wheel...Way Cool...
So, most of our trip to London was recommended by Kevin and Andrea Gerrity. We first made plans to see a few shows...and the more music the better. We didn't really plan a musical weekend, but we ended up with Thriller Live and Let if Be! Thriller was good but Let It Be was GREAT!
We did get some great views of the skyline from the Eye. Here are a few to confirm that we were, in fact, in London!
So, Andrea and Kevin suggested that we visit two spots for liquids and socializing...Gordon's was Andrea's recommendation for a wine bar. It sounded great and we made our way to the appropriate tube stop. We walked straight past Gordon's because I was absolutely positive that this dungeon hole in the wall couldn't possibly be the right place! Was I ever wrong?

We enjoyed some great wine in a true wine CAVE!!!! Totally Awesome!!! Then, we headed to The Wellington....I realized that I had been to the Wellington for fish and chips with Lisa and Beau earlier, so we didn't stop to enjoy a pint. We did really enjoy our weekend in London and are game to join anyone there anytime in the future!