Mont Saint Michel, France

In fact, we drove from Brugges to Normandy where we spent two nights and one full day.  Scott and Paula did a full day tour of the Normandy beaches while Jeff and I took Chase and Carly to the 'fun beach'.  You'll see the Normandy pictures later and the kids on the beach pictures when I can find a way to get them from Chase's point and shoot. 

So, on to Mt. St. Michel...

Mont (it is on a small tidal 'mountain') St. Michel (French for St. Michael) has served many purposes:  Defender of France against many foes, a monastery attributing to its name and a prison.  Today it is yet another World Heritage site and very pretty to look at!


The Abbey from below

I actually would recommend googling this.  We got the idea to visit here from Matt and Lisa Taylor.  Matt was smart (and a much better photographer than I) and stopped well before reaching Mt. St. Michel to snap the typical amazing shot that you will find online.  But, for now, you will have to cope with my shots.  Actually a few of these are from Scott Reed, but most are mine :)

The land bridge will be replaced in the next few years by
a real bridge in order to allow the tides to freely flow again.
A good shot of a Barcelona football fan
and the current land bridge connecting
Mt. St. Michele to the mainland
We arrived at low tide.  I think it will be much nicer when restored to its natural island state.

The homes and public buildings cling
to the rock for more than
spiritual support
                                I Spy.....

Can you imagine the peace and tranquility of watching the tides come and go?  This must have added to the monks' ability to meditate and examine the meaning of life.  That, and I seem to recall that they made a great Chardonnay?  Oh wait, that is Chateau Ste. Michelle.  I need to go there someday too!

I never tire of these naturally framed shots.  This is now my new favorite!